Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday 10-18-16

Week #10
Unit 2: Determining and Developing Central Ideas
Guiding Question: In a culture where we are bombarded with ideas and images of “what we should be”, how does one form an identity that remains true and authentic for her/himself?

  1. Descriptive adjectives
  2. Author’s word choice
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

Class Work:
* Reading assigned Chapters
* Work on chapter questions
* Work on Graphic Organizer
(Due Friday)


Long Walk to Freedom
*Read and annotate the text

7th Period:
Nelson Mandela's Address on his Release from Prison
*Read and annotate the text
Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.
Chapters this week:
* Outsiders: Chapters 10-12
* Giver: Chapters 18-23
We will be going to the library on Thursday.